Kenosha Innovation Neighborhood
The Kenosha Innovation Neighborhood (KIN) project involves redeveloping the Chrysler Kenosha Engine Plant site in the City of Kenosha, which closed in 2010. Batterman, in partnership with SmithGroup, was selected to oversee the construction management services for the infrastructure portion of the project, along with the EDA grant administration.
The following are brief updates (most current first) on the progress made since the infrastructure project began on December 1, 2023. Also included are images and notes about the concurrent projects on the KIN site: the LakeView Technology Academy and the Kenosha Innovation Center.
12.03.24 Progress Update
The pavement markings are complete, and the landscaping crews have finished the final restoration of the site. The permeable paver and traffic sign crews worked on minor punch list items. Another crew was cleaning and tuck-pointing all the storm sewer inlets and manholes. The electrical contractor started pulling wire for the temporary streetlights.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued to work on the building’s interior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued erecting the exterior walls.
11.22.24 Progress Update
Pavement marking crews began the markings on 56th Street. Another crew continued placing the terrace permeable pavers while the landscape crews continued their restoration efforts. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit and pull boxes and constructing the electrical pedestal foundations.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued erecting the exterior walls.
11.15.24 Progress Update
A crew began placing the terrace permeable pavers while the landscape crews continued their restoration efforts. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit and pull boxes and began the construction of the electrical pedestal foundation.
LakeView Technology Academy – The parking lot is complete. Crews continued working on the building’s interior and exterior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued erecting the exterior walls.
11.08.24 Progress Update
One crew completed the construction on the terrace tree cells while another crew continued the installation of the terrace trees. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit and pull boxes and worked on finishing pouring light bases.
LakeView Technology Academy – The parking lot is complete. Crews continued working on the building’s interior and exterior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued erecting the exterior walls.
10.31.24 Progress Update
One crew continued the installation of the terrace trees while another continued constructing the terrace tree cells. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit and pull boxes and worked on pouring light bases. WE Energies finished installing the 3-phase electrical line that will supply power to the project streetlights.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and exterior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued pouring the building’s concrete floors and erecting the exterior walls.
10.24.24 Progress Update
One crew continued the installation of the terrace trees while another continued constructing the terrace tree cells. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit and pull boxes and worked on pouring light bases. WE Energies was on site this week to install the 3-phase electrical line that will supply power to the project streetlights.
LakeView Technology Academy – Trees were planted around the facility. Crews continued working on the building’s interior and exterior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued pouring the building’s concrete floors and began erecting the exterior walls.
10.18.24 Progress Update
One crew continued the installation of the terrace trees while another continued constructing the terrace tree cells. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit and pull boxes, and worked on pouring light bases.
LakeView Technology Academy – The parking lot was paved, and trees were planted around the facility this week. Crews continued working on the building’s interior and exterior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued pouring the building’s concrete floors and began erecting the exterior walls.
10.10.24 Progress Update
The asphalt bike path was paved this week. Project terrace trees arrived, and their installation began. A crew continued constructing the terrace tree cells in the terraces that will be paved with permeable pavers. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit and pull boxes, and worked on pouring light bases.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows, and prepped the parking lot for paving.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews began pouring the building’s concrete floors.
10.04.24 Progress Update
A crew started excavating and constructing the tree cells on 56th Street. The concrete crew continued pouring the sidewalk aprons with detectable warning fields. A grading crew continued preparing the base for the new sidewalk runs. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit and pull boxes, and started pouring light bases this week.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continue placing the floor bottoms.
09.27.24 Progress Update
A crew continued placing the permeable paver bricks in the parking areas. The concrete crew continued pouring sidewalk aprons and the mainline sidewalk runs. A grading crew continued preparing the base for the new sidewalk runs. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit and started placing pull boxes. The private utilities continued placing future fiber optic conduits and started installing fiber optic lines.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continue placing the floor bottoms.
09.19.24 Progress Update
A new crew mobilized to start placing the permeable paver bricks. The concrete crew continued pouring sidewalk aprons and the mainline sidewalk runs. A grading crew continued preparing the base for the new sidewalk runs. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit, and the private utilities continued placing future fiber optic conduits.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews completed erecting the building’s steel frame and began placing the floor bottoms.
09.12.24 Progress Update
The concrete curb and gutter crews continued with hand-placed concrete work while a second crew poured sidewalk aprons and started mainline sidewalk runs. A grading crew continued preparing the base for the new sidewalk runs. The electrical contractor continued placing the street lighting conduit, and the private utilities continued placing future fiber optic conduits.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued their work on erecting the building’s steel frame.
09.05.24 Progress Update
The concrete curb and gutter crews continued placing slipform and hand-placed concrete, while a second crew continued pouring sidewalk aprons. A grading crew was mobilized to prepare the base for the new sidewalk runs. The electrical contractor began placing the street lighting conduit and the private utilities continued placing future fiber optic conduits this week.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued their work on erecting the building’s steel frame.
08.29.24 Progress Update
One crew worked to adjust inlet castings ahead of the curb and gutter crew. The concrete curb and gutter crews placed slipform and hand-placed concrete all week. The grading crew continued to place the final topsoil, and the landscaping crews continued the final restoration of the KIN site where available. A new crew started pouring the sidewalk aprons this week. Private utilities started placing future fiber optic conduits this week.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued their work on erecting the building’s steel frame.
08.21.24 Progress Update
This week, the concrete paving crew finished mainline paving with a machine. The grading crew placed the final topsoil. Landscaping crews continued the final restoration of the KIN site where available.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued their work on erecting the building’s steel frame.
08.14.24 Progress Update
One pipe crew worked to adjust inlet and manhole castings ahead of the concrete mainline crew. This week, the mainline paving crew continued paving on 26th Avenue and 56th Street. The grading crew placed the final topsoil. Landscaping crews continued the final restoration of the KIN site where available.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued their work on erecting the building’s steel frame.
08.08.24 Progress Update
One pipe crew worked to adjust inlet and manhole castings ahead of the concrete mainline crew. This week, the mainline paving crew continued paving on 26th Avenue and 56th Street. The grading crew placed the final topsoil. Landscaping crews continued the final restoration of the KIN site where available. The detention pond is near completion.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued their work on erecting the building’s steel frame.
08.02.24 Progress Update
A pipe crew worked to adjust inlet and manhole castings ahead of the concrete mainline crew. The mainline paving crew started mainline paving on 26th Avenue and 56th Street. The grading crew placed the base aggregate and the final topsoil. Landscaping crews arrived this week to begin the final restoration of the KIN site where available.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued their work on erecting the building’s steel frame.
07.26.24 Progress Update
The pipe crew finished up on the 28th Avenue storm sewer at 60th Street and completed all the required pressure testing of the new mains. The grading crew placed base aggregate for the future roadways and the final topsoil. At the end of this week, the detention pond was also completed. A paving crew finished pouring the intersections of 24th Avenue and 56th Street, and 56th Street at 30th Avenue was also completed. Base aggregate trimming crews prepared for mainline concrete paving for the following week. Private fiber optic companies continued placing future roadway crossings this week.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior and windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Crews continued their work on erecting the building’s steel frame.
07.12.24 Progress Update
A crew placed drain tile throughout the project as another crew connected the 28th Avenue watermain to the 52nd Street watermain. The grading crew placed base aggregate for the future roadways and constructed the subgrade of the west side of 56th Street. A curb and gutter crew began placing curbs at the project’s intersections with existing roadways. Private fiber optic companies began placing future roadway crossings.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s interior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Foundation work continued.
06.21.24 Progress Update
One pipe crew placed the storm sewer on 28th Avenue near 60th Street while a second crew worked to install the storm sewer, watermain, and sanitary sewer main on 56th Street at the 30th Avenue intersection. The grading crew worked to build the subgrade of the future roadways and continued the reconfiguration of the detention basin. A fourth crew completed the crushing of the existing building foundations to produce the roadway base aggregate.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s roof, exterior windows, and interior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Foundation work continued.
06.07.24 Progress Update
One crew placed a large manhole at 28th Avenue and 60th Street and worked to place the watermain at the south end of 28th Avenue, while a second crew finished the water and sanitary sewer mains on 56th Street south of LakeView Tech. The grading crew is working to build the subgrade of the future roadways and has begun the reconfiguration of the detention basin.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s roof, exterior windows, and interior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Foundation work continued.
05.31.24 Progress Update
One crew worked to place storm sewer manholes, inlets, and storm pipe on 28th Avenue. The second crew was working to install a large storm sewer manhole and make a watermain connection at the intersection of 28th Avenue and 56th Street. The grading crew was working to build the subgrade of the future roadways and has begun the reconfiguration of the detention basin.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued working on the building’s roof, exterior windows, and interior.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Foundation work continued.
04.25.24 Progress Update
Crews worked to place storm sewer manholes and pipe on 28th Avenue and on the watermain system. A third crew worked on building the subgrade at the 28th Avenue and 56th Street intersection.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews worked to place the building’s roof panels and install the exterior windows.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Foundation work continued.
04.12.24 Progress Update
The first crew worked to place storm sewer manholes and inlets on 26th Avenue. The western storm line from LakeView Tech was connected. The second crew returned to work on the Bonnie Hame storm line on the project’s north end.
03.29.24 Progress Update
One crew worked on the watermain in the 26th Avenue corridor. A second crew worked on the placement of the Bonnie Hame storm sewer system, placing elliptical pipe northbound, north of the Innovation Center site.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continued to erect the school’s interior steel beams and install the building’s roof panels.
Kenosha Innovation Center – Miron continued the installation of the rammed aggregate piers for the building foundation, scheduled to begin the following week.
03.01.24 Progress Update
Two crews worked on the KIN storm sewer system. The first crew placed the mainline storm sewer on 56th Street, moving west, and the second crew placed the Bonnie Hame storm sewer system. A third crew worked on building the fills at the 56th Street and 28th Avenue intersection.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews continue to erect the school’s interior steel beams and ceiling trusses.
Kenosha Innovation Center – The contract was awarded to Miron Construction. A groundbreaking ceremony was held.
02.23.24 Discovery
While digging on site, a souvenir was discovered. This poured concrete is 4 feet in diameter and 16 feet long. It was attached to a structural I-beam used to support the roof of the old Chrysler building.
02.02.24 Progress Update
Work has been limited for the last few weeks because of the weather. Two sanitary crews are currently working on 28th Avenue. One crew finished the mainline sanitary to the north, and now both crews are finishing the last of the laterals and street stubs.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews completed most of the school’s outside precast walls and began erecting the interior steel beams and ceiling trusses.
01.04.24 Progress Update
The sanitary crew completed the run on 54th Street from the existing manhole to the east and set the manhole at 28th Avenue. Two sanitary crews worked north and south on 28th Avenue. The southern sanitary crew worked just north of 58th Street. The northern sanitary crew worked just south of 53rd Street.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews finished the elevator shaft and worked on the school’s outside precast walls.
12.06.23 Progress Update
The sanitary crew started to tie into the existing sanitary runs on the east side of the project site. Connections were successfully completed at 54th and 55th. Erosion control crews placed all required devices at this time. The earthwork crew worked on stripping topsoil ahead of the sanitary crew.
LakeView Technology Academy – Crews worked on the foundation of the new building.