IH-39/90 Reconstruction USH 14 to Kennedy Road
Project Description: This is the second of the major reconstruction projects that Batterman had the opportunity to manage on the IH-39/90 expansion project for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. This project consisted of removing the existing lanes of IH-39 for both northbound and southbound and expanding from a four-lane highway to a twelve-lane highway through the city of Janesville. All of the new concrete pavement was constructed using 3D machine-controlled pavers rather than the traditional string-lined paver. Two of these lanes in either direction facilitate the traffic using the entrance and exit ramps to the central business district of the city. This project had eight reconstructed bridges over city roads and highways as well as two new bridges that accommodate a new city street. Massive mechanically stabilized earth walls were required in order to minimize right-of-way purchases. State Highway 26 was constructed into a Diverging Diamond Interchange, making one of only the three of its kind built in the state of Wisconsin.
Client: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Location: City of Janesville
Project Year: 2019-2022
Lead Batterman Staff: Lead – Lance Wagner, Assistant Lead – Kevin Saxe, Inspectors: Paul Nelson, Mike Wixom, Jeff Scott, Colten Tuescher, Ellyn Subak, Jack Wagner, Sonnie Brockwell
Batterman Services: Construction Management
Biggest Challenge and How it was Solved: This project was extensively staged to always accommodate two lanes of traffic in each direction at all times. This was achieved by coordinating with WisDOT staff and adjacent projects.
Field Data: 921,000 Cubic Yards Earthwork; 388,357 Square Yards concrete pavement; 3,700 Cubic Yards Concrete Masonry Bridges, 56,563 Feet (10.7 miles) Storm Sewer
Related Markets: Transportation of goods and services